CPU Features
Operating voltage
– fSYS=2MHz: 2.2V~5.5V
– fSYS=4MHz: 2.2V~5.5V
– fSYS=8MHz: 2.2V~5.5V
Up to 0.5μs instruction cycle with 8MHz system clock at VDD=5V
Power down and wake-up functions to reduce power consumption
Oscillator types
– Internal High Speed RC – HIRC
– Internal 32kHz RC – LIRC
Multi-mode operation: FAST, SLOW, IDLE and SLEEP
Fully integrated internal oscillators require no external components
All instructions executed in 1~3 instruction cycles
Table read instructions
115 powerful instructions
8-level subroutine nesting
Bit manipulation instruction
Peripheral Features
Flash Program Memory: 4K×16
RAM Data Memory: 256×8
True EEPROM Memory: 64×8
Watchdog Timer function
Up to 13 bidirectional I/O lines
Up to two external interrupt lines shared with I/O pins
Programmable I/O port source current for LED applications
Sink current generator for constant current output
Smoke Detector AFE including two operational amplifiers
Power Line Data Transceiver including two comparators, one OPAMP and three D/A converters
Multiple Timer Modules for time measure, input capture, compare match output, PWM output or single pulse output function
Dual Time-Base functions for generation of fixed time interrupt signals
Universal Serial Interface Module – USIM for SPI, I2C or UART communication
4 external channel 12-bit resolution A/D converter
Low voltage reset function
Low voltage detect function
Package types: 16-pin NSOP, 20-pin SSOP